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Code Weavers put Windows on your Intel Mac or Linux desktop

Phil South - November 7, 2006

crossover.jpgYou know quite a lot of the time I am a Mac user. I know, it’s a dirty word in most parts of the blogisphere, but I have an Intel Mac and use it most of the time to run OS X software. BUT, and you will notice that is a big but, I do run a lot of PC software still, even though a lot of my productivity stuff has migrated to Mac. Fortunately using BootCamp I can run Windows XP on the Intel Mac Dual Core hardware, but it necessitates a reboot, which most of the time is okay but can be a royal pain. Solution?

Crossover by CodeWeavers is the answer. It allows you to run Windows apps natively on the Intel based Mac and Linux. You can install and run the software without installing Windows as the software sort of reverse engineers what the software needs to run and supplies right there on the Mac or Linux desktop.

Early versions of this software were a little buggy and larger software packages ran a little slow and the interfaces were a little broken, but the release version is much more stable. There are growing lists of compatible software on the website. To download a trial and see for yourself, go to CodeWeavers.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 7th, 2006 at 9:49 am and is filed under Main. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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One Response to “Code Weavers put Windows on your Intel Mac or Linux desktop”

  1. Manohar Says:

    This is very nice software.

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