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Give Yourself A BREAK

O. James Samson - January 29, 2007

breako.gifAt times we get so carried away by the work we have to do, sitting at the computer for so long that we forget to take healthy breaks. Break is a useful software created to help you work effectively without killing yourself.

Break is designed to help you not work too long at one time on the computer. It lets you set a timer from 1- 120 minutes to remind you to get up and go for a walk, have a coffee, go home, go to bed etc. Auto reset and auto boot are also supported.

Break works in two basic ways, as a work logger and as a rest reminder. As a work logger it records your work times. Work can be divided into five different categories, with maximum work capping for each category. It maintains a running total to show you how long you are on your computer, and what you do most while on it. As a rest reminder it simply reminds you to take a break.

Go Check it Out HERE!

This entry was posted on Monday, January 29th, 2007 at 10:12 am and is filed under Developer, Health, Information Management, Main, Shareware, Shell and Desktop, Themes, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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