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Video Clip Submitter: Submits video clips!

Ciaran Moore - July 25, 2007

uploader.jpgSo you’ve just recorded your oh so interesting or hilarious video clip. Next thing to do is share it with the world right?

It takes a lot of time and patience to go around to multiple video sites such as Google Video, YouTube etc. to submit your video. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was some way to do them all at the one time?

Well if you have “Video Clip Submitter” thats exactly what you can do. It’s available in three different versions, express, silver, and gold, the only real difference being the amount of sites it submits to. So if you’re a keen maker and uploader of videos, this may save you a lot of time!

Check it out here.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 25th, 2007 at 7:22 am and is filed under Commercial, Developer, Freeware, Internet, Main, Shareware, Video, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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4 Responses to “Video Clip Submitter: Submits video clips!”

  1. Nick Rox Says:

    I have a feeling this is Bull. Any way it doesnt take that much time for youtube and stuff! this thing is only if your lazy!

  2. Maria Says:

    Actually it’s pretty clear you are not much into video sharing – otherwise you would know that uploading a file manually to 30 or so websites, filling in the video details, (title, description, website, tags, categories, etc) and waiting for each upload, is a pain in the a…

  3. Terry Brazil Says:

    Is this not available for download anymore. I cannot even find a buy or download link on their site. I was wanting to give this to my subscribers or at least refer them to it to buy.

  4. Security Light  Says:

    i always collect and bookmark video websites coz i like to download lots of videos*”.

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