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PhotoSprinkle 1.0.29

Tilgore Kraut - August 2, 2007

sprinkle_screen1.jpgThe Photo Sprinkle software is good for moving the picture files between devices. It’s good for use by professionals and also by common users. It transfers multiple files at a time from one destination to the other without much effort. The inter device portability feature of this software has made it a highly useful utility for most user.

Downloading Photo Sprinkle do not takes much time. The software installs smoothly that won’t take more than a few seconds. You can move pictures from camera cards or other media to your computer. It identifies the card upon insertion on its own. The very first screen appears with an elegant and simple look. The screen is small with two options on the top. First is ‘Options’ that enables you to select the language. You can choose the language from ‘Russian’ and ‘English’. And also it has a testing mode to check the function of the software without moving the files. Other option is the help option. The functions in the middle screen are related to the moving of the files.  It supports the automatic moving of files and also automatic folder creation to shift the files into. The two blank spaces at the middle of the screen are used for browsing. Upper one is for browsing the source files or folder. The lower one is for selecting the destination or target folder. For selecting the files to move you need to press the three dots button on the right. A dialog box appears with the options to select from the entire folder and files in the computer. Also you can create a new destination folder through the dialog box for moving the file. The software tells whether the space is available on the selected hard drive or not.

The help option requires internet access. Many professional photographers are expected to take fancy to the software. It lets easy moving of picture files to the destination they want. It saves the time spent in copy-pasting of large number  of files and even has basic arranging features.

(More info and Download)

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 2nd, 2007 at 7:04 am and is filed under Developer, Mobile, Shareware, Social Software, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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