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Blackle – Black Google Equals Greener Google?

Ciaran Moore - August 9, 2007

Do you wish you were doing a little more to help the environment? Here’s an alternative to the regular white homepage of Google. Its a black google page!

The idea behind it is that a black page background will use less electricity than a white one. So mathematically speaking, if lots of people were to use as their homepage instead of the default google homepage, a lot of eletricity could be saved, ok maybe not a lot but every little helps, right?

Its a good first step I guess, but the page could do with some extras such as the “advanced search” link etc.

Check it out for yourself at

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 9th, 2007 at 5:12 am and is filed under Google, Main, Web services, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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2 Responses to “Blackle – Black Google Equals Greener Google?”

  1. Heather Dibb Says:

    I fully approve of the energy-saving priciple of ‘Blackle’ but, until I can have the ‘advanced search’ and ‘uk only’ options, I would like to revert to Google. Please explain to me how I can do this.

  2. Krista Says:

    I also approve of the energy saving concept of a black Google. But I think there is a better site than Blackle. Its called Greenback Search, which has eco-friendly colors. However, as another step to help the environment, they are donating a big part of their revenue from searches on their site in order to purchase carbon offsets and reduce carbon imprint. You can check out their site for more information and some other nice features as well.

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