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Stay Informed With IPN Toolbar 1.0

O. James Samson - August 21, 2007

1163111617-1.jpgOne of the things that has been good for society as a whole in terms of the internet has been the ease and availability of information.   If people want the information that’s out there, then all they have to do is click their mouse a few times in order to bring that information up to the screen.

One of the most popular sources of information is what is known as the Incident Page Network. It is basically a network that allows people to get the latest scoop on incidents reported to the police, the fire and the rescue services.   Following the IPN allows people to know at a moment’s notice if something is wrong in their area and more than one person has commented favourably on how great it was to have a network that allowed them to get the latest scoop on any of the latest incidents.

With personal security becoming a big issue in today’s world, it seems like the time is absolutely perfect for the IPN Toolbar.   This is a toolbar that you install into your browser just like you would any other toolbar.  The difference is that it gives you the latest IPN news at a moment’s notice in real time, meaning that you don’t have to physically navigate to the website in order to get it yourself. It is a very useful tool and like many of the best things in life, it also happens to be free.

More information can be found at

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 21st, 2007 at 10:59 am and is filed under Browsers, Developer, Information Management, Internet, Main, RSS, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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