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Wink 2.0 Build 1000 – A Free Tutorial Creation Software

O. James Samson - September 7, 2007

wink.pngOne of the big parts of the online world today centers on creating tutorials. There are so many different people discovering the internet every single day in today’s world that in order to help them along it is important for people to create tutorials. Online tutorials or alternatively tutorial software is easy to use and if done right can make things fun for the person during what might otherwise be something that is quite boring to learn. Of course, unless you have a lot of time, chances are that you aren’t going to be too thrilled with the prospect of creating a tutorial from scratch.

This is where Wink 2.0 Build 1000 comes in. It is a tutorial creation software that is completely free to use. Basically, you can use it to do things like capture screenshots to use within your tutorial, import pictures that you already have, provide explanatory captions, provide step by step instructions and even provide navigation for the tutorial so that you can split different sections of the tutorial up into different parts. It is also something that allows you to actually show mouse movements to different parts of software, so that there is absolutely no way that someone reading your tutorial could mix something up. It finally has the ability to create tutorials in flash format, executable format, .pdf format, .html format or many other commonly used tutorial formats.

More information is available from

This entry was posted on Friday, September 7th, 2007 at 8:25 am and is filed under Business, Commercial, Freeware, Information Management, Main, Social Software, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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  1. Zakeer Says:


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