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Toolbar Uninstaller

O. James Samson - September 23, 2007

toolbarkiller.jpgThese days, everybody and their brother has their own special toolbar, and they take the opportunity to automatically install these toolbars on your computer whenever you install a new program. Unfortunately, this can lead to you opening your browser window only to find six different toolbars and only a half screen to actually see the internet.

Of course, you can always select which toolbars you wish to show and which ones you don’t want to show, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are uninstalled. The toolbar is still on your computer, it is just invisible now.

The newest version of Toolbar Uninstaller is here to help you get rid of all those useless toolbars so you can actually see what you’re trying to find on the internet instead of having to scroll up and down because there isn’t enough room on your screen. This program is designed to automatically detect all of the toolbars that have been installed on your computer and bring them to your attention. From there, you can keep the ones you want and delete the others through the uninstaller.

This new version of Toolbar Uninstaller also has some updates since the previous version was released. Some of these updates include fixes to the error codes, changes to the update list, and fixing a minor glitch in the captioning system.

All of these fixes have definitely made the new Toolbar Uninstaller a great way to get rid of all the extra junk on your browser window and make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

Clean up your computer with Toolbar Uninstaller

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 23rd, 2007 at 6:10 am and is filed under Developer, Freeware, Main, Security, Shareware, Shell and Desktop, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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