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Advanced Encryption Package 2007

O. James Samson - September 28, 2007

1000156904-1.jpgNo matter what you need to protect, the Advanced Encryption Package is the way to go. This package is designed to allow you the flexibility of protecting your files from home while still getting the best protection available.

Comparable with military style encryption, this program can save you tons of time and money by allowing you the capability to choose your style of protection. Not only does this program allow you to protect yourself, but it also gives you the unique option of creating automatically de-crypting copies of your files to share with families and friends. This way they do not need to have a decryption program, but you are still protected from the general public. Another great feature of the Advanced Encryption Package is that it will automatically remove the original files once they have been encrypted so there will be no risk of anyone accessing the original files without being stopped by the encryption device.

While this program is currently only available for Windows operating systems, it still has a lot of potential.

Released in both the standard and professional level packages, there are tons of ways to keep your information safe, and it will only cost you $30 to get your own copy of this program.

To purchase your own Advanced Encryption Package, check out:

This entry was posted on Friday, September 28th, 2007 at 6:53 am and is filed under Business, Commercial, Developer, Information Management, Main, Programming, Security, Shareware, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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One Response to “Advanced Encryption Package 2007”

  1. ramki Says:

    What is the Max file size of the file which will be encrypted??

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