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ActivePerl for Windows

O. James Samson - January 1, 2008

Hurray, the latest version of ActivePerl has just hit the market! This latest version, released on December 18 th, has a number of interesting new changes to this distribution of Perl that basically came from user comments in the use of the last version. This includes higher support for the Linux distribution and the Windows distribution (this one is the Windows distribution) as well as some changes to the way syntax is interpreted within the actual distribution itself. Users of the previous versions of ActivePerl will appreciate the overall increase in the user friendliness of the software and indeed if you had some complaints about the previous version, you might be pleasantly surprised by what this one has to offer.

For those of you that might be new to this software, ActivePerl for Windows is a high quality point and click installable distribution of the Perl programming language. It has a comprehensive support package behind it and essentially allows the programmer to create their code with the peace of mind of knowing that all of this is absolutely true. It is probably acknowledged as one of the best if not the best distribution of Perl currently available open source on the market and when you take that into consideration, it is definitely something worth downloading.

More information about ActivePerl can be found at

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