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Enjoy File Sharing With ApexDC++

O. James Samson - January 22, 2008

dc.jpgDC++ is an interesting tool.  It is a direct connect service that actually allows you to connect to a number of other computers on the same network and exchange information with those computers in a way that makes it much faster than downloading a torrent file.   The reason that it is perhaps not as popular as torrent downloading is because of the fact that when you download a torrent file, you can do so from websites and quite frankly from any other computer.   DC++ on the other hand has limited connectivity that requires a network and therefore if you live in a university campus or other places with large residential networks you are going to be able to use DC++ in a much more effective way than you could currently use torrent software.
ApexDC++ is a client that you can use for the DC++ service and it is a rather innovative client that rivals the best in the business.   It allows you to use a block list manager to make sure that offenders of the system are not on your list to download from and it allows you a level of control and customization rarely used with these types of things.   It also allows for super seeding, which even some torrent clients do not have.  Add to that the fact that it has a very user friendly graphical user interface, constant updates and great support and it becomes very easy to see why it is so popular.
More information on it can be found at

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