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Folder Marker Pro

Tilgore Kraut - January 24, 2008

With so many files laying scattered in our systems, one might sometimes get thoroughly lost while searching for the write folder where they placed a particular file. The good news is that now we have a utility that allows with a mark every folder with a special identity icon. With Folder Marker Pro 3.0 software you can assign different folder icons to various folders and sub folders easily. This not only allows you to track your documents easily but also allows you to mark out important data collections.

With the Folder Marker Pro 3.0 has a sleek user interface that anyone would feel comfortable to work with it. For assigning an icon you need to select the folder by browsing it with the given option. Then you can choose the icon that you want from the given categories. You get the categories that contain various icons; these are Additional, ABC…, Colors, and so on. You can set the icons wit red for denoting high priority or choose a music note icon for media files. You can set the alphabetic folders icons for denoting the folders with alphabets. You can set your own icons selecting from the icons at your systems with the ‘User’s Icon’ option. You can also enable the features to make the customized folders distributable and to apply the selected icon to all the subfolders. You can restore the default icon and also rollback all changes altogether. You can set the icon for the single and multiple folders.

Folder Marker Pro 3.0 software is also assisted by a help file that contains all the information that a user may require to operate the program.

{More info and Download}

This entry was posted on Thursday, January 24th, 2008 at 9:27 am and is filed under Design, Desktop, Developer, Files and Folders, Shareware, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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One Response to “Folder Marker Pro”

  1. CD Duplicator Says:

    Folder Marker Pro 3.0 software work great

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