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O. James Samson - March 12, 2008

There are so many different things that can annoy the average web surfer and computer user and one of those things has to be the fact that it is so easy to lose product keys. With the new age of computer security that came about a few years ago, many programs required CD keys for installation. While this was fine when you initially purchased the program as the CD key was located on the box or on the jewel case, over time many people end up throwing those things out and when the time comes that they need the program again, they are out of luck in finding the CD key.

Or at least they were out of luck until the wave of product key programs hit the market. This is one of those and it is one that has been around for a very long time. The latest version allows you to save .csv files from the software and it allows additional command line functionality within the program. It allows you to figure out the product ID keys for Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Exchange Server and SQL Server as well. It is extremely useful if you need to reinstall one of these programs and do not have another way to access that information.

More information is available at

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