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Contenta-Converter 1.0

Tilgore Kraut - May 21, 2008

Contenta-Converter is a simple tool to convert and resize your photos. You wish to send pictures by email, but your photos are too big. Resize them and convert them in JPEG to reduce the size of your attachment.

Pros: Contenta-Converter is a simple and powerful tool to convert and resize your photos. You wish to send pictures by email, but your photos are too big. Resize them and convert them in JPEG to reduce the size of your attachment. You want to archive your photos on a disk but you have so many photos. Try JPEG 2000 compression to store more on a single CD or DVD. Convert the raw files of your Canon or Nikon camera to a more compact format.

The user interface is very simple, wizard like interface that lets the actions be done with one click. Initial step consists of dragging& dropping or specifying a folder that contains the pictures to be processed. The folder may contain subfolders and one can browse through the windows explorer. The application loads all the pictures in the target folder and its sub folders. In the example tried a compression of 41% was achieved; 500 odd pictures with a total size of 100.5 MB data were reduced to 46.2 MB. One can manipulate the photo size parameter manipulations to further reduce the data.
As the conversion/compression proceeds you get to see a graphical estimate of the output folder size and the amount of compression achieved. The selection of the output folder is also through the windows explorer. Compressions that can be chosen are the JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PPM, XB mans XPM etc.

{More Info and Download}

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