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AptEdit Pro 4.6

Tilgore Kraut - June 19, 2008

If you are a web page author, programmer and are looking for an editor that could assist you to view and edit the text, hexadecimal codes, drive, and html files? If you are, then AptEdit Pro 4.6 is an apt solution for you which is an advanced full featured editor for such files. It is capable of performing different functions such as spell check, visual file comparison, auto completion, terminal edit, binary edit, and many more. The program can be used anywhere as it can be installed on a portable device. The user can work easily with the program anywhere anytime. The program has the ability to convert the data between EBCDIC, UNICODE and ASCII formats and also supports Code Folding for nearly all of the syntax languages.

AptEdit Pro 4.6 consists of excellent features that enable the developers and programmers to have the source edited easily. With the help of the software you can perform different functions such as spell check, auto completion, make comparison of two or more file and many others. Use the features; Terminal Edit, Binary Edit for the modifications to be made. The program supports full Unicode thus you can open and edit the files to display multi languages. It is capable of working with HEX template that would assist the user in having the knowledge about any binary file. It is capable of having the files compared and merged whenever required. For the HTML files the user can easily have the HTML tags inserted. The configuration that been changed by the can be saved on the movable disk. The application also has some customization features that can be changed according to your preferences. You can even have the files created with the help of the particular templates. Have the changes made to the files and you even can get them printed.

{More Info and Download}

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