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RoboTask 3.1

Tilgore Kraut - June 23, 2008

RoboTask allows you to automate any combination of tasks on your computer, ranging from simply launching applications, to checking email, moving or backing up files to uploading/downloading, sending email and much more.

Pros: RoboTask can help tasks be done automatically. A task may be simple launching of a program or taking back up of specific files, a specific download etc. Adding power to this is the ability to schedule the tasks or set a recurrence such as every X seconds. One can define a whole sequence of such tasks to be activated in a sequence. What adds further power is the fact the logical controls such as if-then-else- like statements can be used to control the launching of tasks. Highly complex automations, involving conditional IF/ELSE statements, loops, custom variables and other advanced options in addition can be set up.

Scope for automation is wide. Some of these are general actions including running other programs, opening or printing documents, and logging off (which covers a simple user log-off; shutting down all running programs, computer shutdown, shutdown with power off and restart), and dialogs for user interaction. File and folder operations include a folder-synchronization feature , Zip actions for packing and unpacking archives; Internet functions to check for and send e-mail, execute HTTP downloads, and ping hosts; extensive FTP support; and dial-up support. Then there are more actions to create, set and remove RoboTask user variables; loops and flows to provide if . . . then . . . else conditionals; and loops that iterate through the contents of text files or data extracted from SQL queries; and so on.

The user interface consists of a vertical arrangement of panels consisting of a task browser panel divided into a left-hand sub-panel list of folders and a list of the tasks in the selected folder in the right-hand sub-panel. You can run, stop, enable or edit tasks, or save a shortcut to the task on your desktop. The bottom panel is the RoboTask log, which displays information, warnings and error messages.

{More Info and Download}

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