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O. James Samson - June 28, 2008

Open source software generally comes with quality downgrades, because in a Capitalist society the biggest correlation that you will find is between money and quality. However, there are always exceptions to the rule and VirtualBox is definitely one of those exceptions. It is a general purpose software that you can use for full virtualization for hardware that is x86 in nature. It can be used in servers, desktops and embedded technologies.

The latest version of the software was released on recently and contains over a dozen fixes to problems that were reported with the previous versions. In addition to these fixes, improvements to the graphical user interface were created along with the addition of compatibility with systems that were not previously compatible to be used with this particular piece of software.

Overall, the VirtualBox software concept is one that has risen to the point where the virtualization potential of the software really has it on par with many of the proprietary and professional software packages on sale that do the same thing. The difference, of course, is that this software is free, open source and will remain so for a very long time.

More information on it can be found at

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