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Free Eject 1.0

O. James Samson - August 13, 2008

Free Eject is the newest program to come on the freeware market in the area of ejection sub-routines. There are many other programs out there that perform ejection functions, but Free Eject does have some special aspects to it that really set it apart from the other programs in this area. It is similar to the other programs in that it is a utility that you can use to eject any type of media in your computer that might be removable. This includes CD and DVD drives as well as disk drives for people that might have older computers. It is also very resource friendly, but that in itself is not something that is particularly new to freeware ejection utilities.

Instead, where this program really sets itself apart from the majority of other programs available is that you can use it in the command line, allowing you to use it in many places that other utilities would be useless. Free Eject will work in scripts, coded programs that you write and even in batch files where other pieces of software would be useless. The command line interface is the key as far as this program is concerned and that same interface can give you a multitude of different choices when you are dealing with ejection problems on your computer.

More information about Free Eject can be found at

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