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Task Tome – new version released

O. James Samson - August 13, 2008

Task Tome is a piece of software that people might recognize from earlier. It was not a very reliable piece of software, but the creator has changed many things in an update released earlier today and the software seems to be working much better now. All of the different coding errors have been removed and the functionality of the software has been improved immeasurably over the old version. There were also problems with missing dates in the older version and these problems are now a thing of the past.

Task Tome has transformed itself into a very useful piece of software that can be used by anyone to help plan out their day. It allows you to view and create different time events on a screen that represents a monthly calendar, commenting on the different tasks so that you remember exactly what they are all about. You can also create a to-do task list in addition to that with comments on each task and rich text editing to allow you to make the task list look good in the window. You can even use it to do basic financial management, looking at balances on credit card and banking statements and then projecting future cash flow and creating statements to that effect.

All of this is available in a handy little software package about which more information can be found at

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