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Magic Utilities 2008 5.51

Tilgore Kraut - August 14, 2008

Magic Utilities is a cute program designed to make your computer clean and more stable.

Pros: Magic Utilities is a set of utilities that keep your computer clean and stable. Set of utilities include Uninstaller Plus, StartUp Organizer, Process Killer, Disk Cleaner, File Shredder and File Protector. The uninstaller displays the program icons currently installed in a tabular fashion which is more appealing than the long list most such programs adopt. You could take a look at the program information about the selected item to decide if you need to retain or not.

Start Up Organizer shows the programs that are set to run at start up and provides the tools to edit the list. It also has a rating field to indicate if the start up program is risky or not. The process killer helps look at current processes and lets you stop the ones that are needed or look risky. Disk cleaner removes the temporary and other junk while the file shredder helps remove the files to be properly deleted so that no one else can recover them. File protector encrypts files and access is through password. The set offered as Windows utilities also is a set of useful tools. There are several programs easily available that offer similar functionality but this set really has a easy to use interface.

Cons: When you fiddle with the internals of the OS you better be sure of the programs do what it is supposed to do and no damage is done. User data is thus useful to determine if a set is safe.

{More Info and Download}

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One Response to “Magic Utilities 2008 5.51”

  1. pori Says:

    I realy like to test it

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