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Block Commander 1.0

Tilgore Kraut - August 20, 2008

Block Commander is a block destroyer game that has been designed for all block game fans. What you are calculating here is no longer the process after block falling rather the path before the block falling.

Pros: The Block Commander is a very simple and smart game designed for block game fans all over the world. The game involves the controlling process of the block before it falls. Therefore, it is important for players to consider the situations for small blocks that are coming up rather than the present or the next block. And if you want to successfully complete the game then you will have to be cautious about your thought process, analyze and grasp the course intelligently. In other words, the Block Commander 1.0 game examines your thought process.

As far as Block Commander game is concerned, it is a simple game. All the features are well defined and can easily be understood. You can customize the game by choosing different game options such as game mode, which can either be GOD, MATCH or NORMAL. Moreover, there are 10 levels and you can also choose that. What’s more – define the process time and the maximum score limit.

Since the Block Commander is a mind game and involves your thinking process, you need to concentrate your mind while playing the game. As you arrive at the higher level of the game, it becomes more exciting and requires quick actions. Complete each level and reach the highest top 10 levels and show how intelligent you are.

{More Info and Download}

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