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Random Music Player 1.1

Tilgore Kraut - September 17, 2008

This program plays songs in the specified folder randomly. The program starts in the My Music folder but the user can navigate to a different folder of their choosing. The user can pause/ resume the song as well as navigate to the next or previous.

Pros: The application plays music files randomly from the “My Music” folder which is the default. This can be pointed to any other folder too. Other functionality of a regular music player is available, except may be the randomization is not turned off any time. Next or previous track can be selecting too. With internet access available the player can show the album related information. The interface is simple and straight forward and very easy to use.

Cons: It is difficult to understand the motivation for creating just such a program. No music player without a shuffle functionality will be acceptable to any user. So that functionality as the main reason for being is not very attractive. This really is a yet another music player. Besides, being version 1.0 you’d expect problems.

{More info and Download}

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One Response to “Random Music Player 1.1”

  1. karna Says:

    it is good to use

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