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CrystalDiskInfo 2.0.1

O. James Samson - November 24, 2008

Hard drives are perhaps not as important as they used to be in terms of the overall hardware configuration of your computer, however they still represent an important aspect that you want to take care of as best as you can. There are many utilities that you can use to help you in this task but one that has always been good from the freeware point of view is CrystalDiskInfo. The latest 2.0.1 version of this software was released on November 23rd and represents the latest bit of excellence in a long line of high quality software versions to be released for this package.

The basic premise of CrystalDiskInfo is giving you as much information as possible regarding your hard drive without straining your system resources to the max in the process. You can easily get information regarding the temp information, size, modes of transfer and every other basic quantifiable measure of a hard drive you can think of. When you take this fact and add to it a high level of user friendliness and compatibility with the SMART method of doing things, you have a very special software package indeed.

More information is available at Crystal Dew World.

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