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TurboEditor 1.20.156

Tilgore Kraut - December 18, 2008

TurboEditor is a powerful Windows editor program for web coders and programmers. It supports 12 predefined language/script types with extensibility. It features enhanced HTML support and offers many advanced features.

Pros: This is a flexible & powerful text editor for the Windows environment. It is able to support many predefined languages. These include 12 odd languages/script types. Being tuned to the syntax of these language/scripts lit can check for syntax related issues. Language-specific keywords, comments, and strings are colored differently to set them apart from plain text. The installation comes with several popular language definitions; however custom languages may also be defined. Regular expressions and scoping rules can be used to accurately define a language. Languages may be defined by application code or XML data. Bold, italics, and underline are supported per keyword set. Matching braces and scope keywords are highlighted as users type.

Users can change the font size simply by holding the control key down and spinning the mouse-wheel (Ctrl +Mouse-Wheel). Text copied or dragged from the edit buffer can be pasted into other applications with all formatting information intact. The application comes with enhanced support of HTML editing and a hex viewing and editing mode. Hyperlinks embedded in code are highlighted differently and can be navigated by the user. It supports fully customizable keyboard mapping that lets you Keystrokes to be added and removed to emulate popular keyboard mappings like Brief and Epsilon. Users can record a series of keystrokes and assign a keystroke to play back the keystrokes repeatedly as keyboard macros.

Select text as a column rather than a paragraph. Empty columns (columns with a width of zero characters) can be selected, causing subsequent typing and deletion to occur over multiple lines at the same time. Perform regular expression searching and replacing using Perl-like regular expressions. Save and load files in a single step. Unicode, UTF-8, and ANSI formats are supported.

{More Info and Download}

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