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Disk Wipe 1.5

O. James Samson - February 27, 2009

There are many times when people would like to erase data and make sure that such data is not recoverable in the slightest. These times include things like business transactions, personal letters that someone would like to forget or anything else that you can think of for a person wanting to make sure that their data is beyond recovery. Too often however, a person that has deleted the file from their hard drive will find it recovered and them feeling embarrassed as a result of the material and the fact that people then know that they tried to delete it at first. In order to prevent this type of unfortunate circumstance from happening, a program like Disk Wipe 1.5 should be utilized.

The latest version of Disk Wipe 1.5 was released on the 20th of February and has support for hard drives, USB keys, portable SD memory and just about anything else that is portable and can store files in today’s world. It is a program that specializes in the permanent destruction of large volumes of data, with the word permanent being the key word for you to take into account. Data destroyed through Disk Wipe cannot be recovered through any technological means currently available and as new versions continue to be released, they will take into account any new advances that occur in hardware functionality.

More information can be found about Disk Wipe 1.5 at

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