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Text Viewer 0.7.2

O. James Samson - March 12, 2009

The notepad is one of the simplest yet highly useful applications in Windows OS. It is used by developers to properly write their coding and even consumers when they want to write something without having to go through a lot of functions in WordPad or MS Word. The application is lightweight and interface is very simplified.

But if you want more functions in your notepad, consider downloading the application named Text Viewer. As the name suggests, the application could be used to view text (.txt) files. But instead of simplified view that is already available in notepad, users can also use the application to view .rtf files – a feature that can’t be found in notepad. Although technically, notepad could open .rtf file but the rendering is not as expected.

Aside from rich text file support, the application has more distinct features when compared to notepad. The use of Tab is available in this application. Users can have as many tabs as they can and jumping from one tab to another is very easy. Instead of having multiple windows when using notepad, the tabbed format of opening and editing files is a welcoming change. There is also a word count feature which is also available in MS Office 2007 tools. Unlike the notepad, the application could also be used to line up the paragraphs.

Text Viewer is basically an upgraded version of notepad but a simpler version of WordPad. Its ability to read .rtf files is remarkable and they can be opened in different tabs for easier navigation.

Want to download it? Go to

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 12th, 2009 at 6:45 am and is filed under Text. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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One Response to “Text Viewer 0.7.2”

  1. Join Woram Says:

    Good software but it not have many feature than Notepad++. I guess 🙂

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