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O. James Samson - June 27, 2009

Monitor and control your finances with JaHoCa. This Java-based application provides highly interactive interface as users can enter various financial transactions during the day and compare them to their monthly earnings. Detailed information for every transaction is also allowed which means your financial transactions will have more than just simple spending data. As a Java-based application, users can see in real time how their funds are spent. Multiple-users are allowed in the application so everyone can actively monitor their spending in one computer.

JaHoCa is basically a “learning” application. After weeks and months of using the application, users will be able to extract data from JaHoca about their past expenses as well as the time period on how the funds were spent. Users can use filtering so that the right data could be extracted in no time.

Summarization in JaHoCa could come in either purely text format or through a diagram. Users can easily create a diagram for their expenses so that they will have a visual representation on how much they have spent on certain products and services. Grouping the expenses is also possible such as utilities, groceries, entertainment and other expenses that should be grouped together. This makes it easier for the diagram to implement which eases user understanding. The data from the application can also be exported as PDF which eases printing and prevents it from being edited.

Although the application requires JRE (Java Runtime Environment) before it could be launched, downloading JRE is worth it with this simple but very useful application.

Check it out at

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