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O. James Samson - September 8, 2009

NodeXL offers a unique experience for users who already run MS Office Excel 2007 in their computers. Through this application, users will be able to create advanced graphics based on their created charts. It offers more than just simple chart creation tools offered by Excel 2007. With NodeXL, developers should be able to create charts that provide a more detailed analysis of the function.

Starting NodeXL is very easy. Those who have used Excel 2003 and have added functions in the application should be able to run NodeXL with no problem. NodeXL is basically an add-on for Excel 2007 wherein users will be able to create additional charts.

The main feature of NodeXL is its ability to compare various data in real time. MS Excel will require users to manually create charts before the sample chart could be displayed. With NodeXL, users should be able to see the chart change as they change the data in the main excel sheet.

Another advantage of NodeXL is its ability to differentiate various data without any challengers. Excel 2007, like its previous versions can implement charts with no problem but the chart tends to be too compressed that the data can’t be easily noticed. With NodeXL, individual data can be pointed out as they can easily customized based on their shading.

NodeXL also has the ability to be implemented in the sidebar of Excel 2007. This means users should be able to see the changes in real time. They don’t have to make transfer to another window just to see how the charts are made.

Check it out at

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