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O. James Samson - September 18, 2009

Defraggler is small application with a very important function for any computer. As the name suggests, Defraggler is a tool that can defrag hard drives with efficiency. The installation file is less than 1mb which means it can be used in just a few minutes.

The unique feature of Defraggler is the ability to defrag files. Files contain fragments that might be distributed in various portions of the hard drive, making it slower to load compared to other files. Through Defraggler, the file should be able to load faster because they were defragged through the small application.

The interface of Defraggler is very straightforward. After running the application, users should be able to select the hard drive they want to defrag. The application will start to analyze the hard drive so that it will determine its contents. After the application is done analyzing, users can defrag the entire hard drive or select the files inside the hard drive. Users can choose to check the files they want to defrag or simply right click on the files they want to defrag in the application.

Because Defraggler is relatively small, it can analyze the hard drive with limited capacity fast. The added visual representation on the hard drive should give users an idea on the remaining space. The only difficulty users might experience with Defraggler is the lag that could be experienced when the application tries to analyze a hard drive more than 500GB. But if the content in a 500GB hard drive is less than 20%, the Defraggler should work at its optimal speed.

Check it out

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