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O. James Samson - September 24, 2009

For organizations and businesses, they cannot afford a server that goes down from time to time. They cannot afford servers which crash down unexpectedly. Therefore, it is always very important to monitor how the server operates to avoid unforeseen server failure. At least, when the server is being monitored, the problem gets to be detected the earliest possible time so it gets to be repaired promptly.

ServerRadar is software that deals with monitoring one’s server to prompt the user when it fails to operate smoothly. It provides the user charts that show the real-time status of the server. It also provides historic reports that are in HTML. It is good that the reports are in HTML formats so that you can easily send copies to your colleagues or your clients. You don’t have to worry about logging in from time to time because it operates as a windows service.

ServerRadar is one of the most effective server monitoring software as it makes use of different ways to give you notice when the server shuts down. It sends the users email, even multiple emails when there are many people that need to be notified when the server is down. It also plays sounds. It also notifies you when there are items that have been recovered from the server failure.

ServerRadar is compatible with HTTP/HTTPS, TCP servers, data servers, and many other servers that are usually being used by businesses and organizations. ServerRadar is still one of the most reliable server-monitoring software and is widely recommended by experts.

You can check it at

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