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RoxxSoft xShots 1.0

O. James Samson - September 25, 2009

xShots is a simple but highly efficient screen capture application. This screen capture tool will help users create a small tutorial or a step-by-step instruction through screen shots. Users don’t have to press the “Print Screen” button anymore as this application can simplify screen captures and more.

Users of xShots will be able to capture screens in their preferred intervals. Users can also change the size of screen capture. These features can be easily activated as the functions are very easy to understand. But since the buttons are presented as icons without actual tags, users just have to practice using the application to effectively use the features.

Customization on the experience in screen capture is not just based on intervals and screen size. Users can also specify the application’s output. Aside from traditional jpg format, users can also specify other image formats. Screen shot destinations can also be modified. This is another unique feature in xShots since users can even specify an FTP as their destination. Because the application is relatively small in size for a screenshot software, the application should be able to work well without dragging the system. The application was even optimized to work with latest operating system from Microsoft (Windows 7).

The only downside of the application is that it’s still in beta version. That means some of the features might have some bugs especially with the online connectivity to various FTPs. However, if you’re just looking for a reliable tool for continuous screenshot, the application should work without any problem.

Check it out at

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