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WindowBlinds 7.0

O. James Samson - November 20, 2009

Do you feel like changing the present look of your desktop? Do you crave for something that is beautiful and makes your Desktop look different from what you have always known it to be? Then Windows Blinds 7.0 is the software program you need.

Windows Blinds 7.0 is a good program that present you with all the opportunity you need to achieve all the above. Your computer look is changed and you determine the way you want it to look like. You are in charge of customizing your desktop by changing the style of the title bars, buttons and tool bars. All you have to do is to check the relevant boxes by assigning each of them skins or personalities and you can go as far as assign buttons that launches the program tool bars.

The publishers also built it in a way that allows you choose from the four skins that are included in the program and even download some more skins if you feel like. Your control of this program is also extended to the ability to exclude some programs from the Window.

Blinds if you choose to have their appearances remain as they already are.

Want to check it out? Visit Windowblinds

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