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Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware 1.43

O. James Samson - January 20, 2010

Malwarebyte is a fine program when it comes to checking attacks on your system. It is one of the best anti-malware programs that can be used to remove most dangerous and advanced spyware from a computer that has already been affected or invaded. The scan is one of the fastest I have seen in its category. It can scan your computer and remove malware in the process faster than most programs because of its size.

This newly released version comes with some new bug fixes and other changes as well. Some of the fixes include: problems associated with detecting certain types of malicious software have been fixed; problems related to memory usage spiking in protection module resolved; errors discovered with 704 (0, 0) corrected and the publishers have also taken time to fix some crashes noticed during computer scan.

Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware 1.43 is a shareware and for $24.95, can be downloaded and used on your computer to help enhance the security of your computer. Malwarebyte on the other hand keeps increasing in size because of the size of the files it has to download every time it updates. This is one area where the publishers need to look into.

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