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WebCruiser 1.10

Tilgore Kraut - February 25, 2010

As the prevalence of malicious content on the web starts to grow, increasingly security experts need to check up their website for vulnerability that can be exploited by hackers. WebCruiser – Web Vulnerability Scanner 1.10 is a tool which designed to diagnose such potential issues. The application is capable of carrying out a variety of surveys from as mundane as checking cross scripting to detecting possible SQL injection vulnerabilities. A light but powerful tool, it is likely to be of great assistance to all web administrators to keep malware at bay.

The WebCruiser sports a simple yet elegant light colored interface with most menu options placed at the top panel. The superlative functions of this software include Crawlers i.e. Site directories and files; vulnerability scanner; proof of concept having SQL Injection and cross site scripting; GET/Post/Cookie injection; administration entrance search and much more. The application scores over others for protecting the website and providing a methodical maintenance program; along with increasing the speed of the computer working. The features that the application boasts of include capacity to detect potential Field Echo or Blind injection related vulnerabilities besides tracking the down the standard issues associated with any website.

The WebCruiser comes across a potent tool for detecting possible issues with your websites and web applications and rectify issues in a preemptive manner.

{More Info and Download}

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