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PostgreSQL for Windows 9.0 Beta 1

O. James Samson - May 15, 2010

What makes a program thick and widely acceptable to majority of users on the internet? Though people’s answer may vary, but there are certainly going to be a general view. Whether a program is freeware, opensource, or shareware is not what matters these days. People want programs that can add values to their systems.

PostgreSQL for Windows 9.0 Beta 1 may still be a Beta application, but it certainly has prospect of doing well in the future. It is a relational database application, and has been around for a while. The program runs on major operating systems, and is scalable in terms of the quantity of data it can manage, as well as the number of concurrent users it can contain.

PostgreSQL for Windows 9.0 Beta 1 has some new additions in terms of features and applications. Some of these include: support for Python 3 in PL/python and a lot of PL/ Perl improvement; anonymous procedure blocks with the DO statement; new Binary application and a few others.

In 2008, PostgreSQL was named as the product of the year by; that speaks volume of what this program is all about. I think the publishers have done a great job and they should just keep it up.

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