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Slackware Linux 13.1 RC1

O. James Samson - June 2, 2010

Slackware Linux is a server-side product complete 32-bit multitasking UNIX-like system. It contains user-friendly an installation program, a menu-driven package system and extensive online documentation. A completely full installation gives users the X Window System, Perl, networking utilities, a mail server, a news server, C/C++ development environments, a web server, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, Netscape Communicator, an FTP server, and lots of other programs.

Slackware Linux is presently based around the 2.4 Linux kernel series and the GNU C Library version 2.3.4 (libc6). It can conveniently run on 486 systems all the way up to the latest x86 machines (but uses -mcpu=i686 optimization for best performance on i686-class machines like the P3, P4, and Duron/Athlon).

Some of the noticeable changes in Slackware 13.0 from the time of Slackware 12.2 are; major upgrades to the desktop environments (KDE version 4.2.4 and Xfce version 4.6.1), completely reworked collection of X packages (a configuration file for X is no longer needed in most cases), new txz package format with much better compression, and other upgrades all around.

On a final note, one glaring weak point is the fact that the new Slackware 13.0 is conservative and cannot be installed with minimal requirements.

Want to check it out? Visit Slackware.

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