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VirtuaWin 4.2

O. James Samson - June 16, 2010

VirtuaWin 4.2 is actually an Open Source, virtual desktop manager which is designed for Windows operating system. It can actually organize applications over several “virtual” desktops with a lot of ease. For instance, if user uses two virtual desktops he can put a Web browser on desk 1 and by using a desktop manager “switch away” the Web browser and it will just seem like he have a new empty workspace on desk 2 to put another application on.

Some of the new additions that differentiate VirtuaWin 4.2 from the past are as follows: new dynamic taskbar order feature to support Taskbar shuffle, it can close spawned module process handles, dynamic taskbar button removal option as a better fix to long standing issue, it can re-implement taskbar activation option to be a window rule option, improved SetForegroundWindows, so focus can be given back to desktop, portable Unicode package creation, and fixed handling of close message so it does exit VirtuaWin 4.2 if requested.

VirtuaWin 4.2 is designed to be elegant and simple to users and yet still very configurable. It is very common in Unix/Linux, and once users get accustomed to using it, it becomes an essential part of a productive workflow.

Want to check it out? Visit

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