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SCars 0.6.5b2

O. James Samson - July 12, 2010

SCars is a kind of program that is designed to provide aid to users in performing their regular PC maintenance tasks which should be done to keep their PC working very well. Some the tasks that SCars that can be performed includes updating Windows and security software, and cleaning temporary files which are important to a PC’s health. SCars can equally be used to remind users of whatever they have chosen as it comes with the capability for users to create custom reminders.

SCars comes with several unique features which include: built computer security and maintenance reminders-all customizable; automatic or manual updating; custom reminders for any purpose; full help and support available to users; back-up reminders simply by using “export” function; and multiple languages support.

SCars can be regarded as among the better programs that have been introduced to help people clean up their PC. Users can set reminders to run clean-up programs once a week and once it is that time of the week it automatically remind users.

Another good thing about SCars is the fact that it can be used to update itself. This can be done by selecting the automatic update section so that whenever there is any update and automatically update itself.

Want to check it out? Visit Scars.SecurityCadets

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