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IndustryPlayer 6.40

Tilgore Kraut - July 29, 2010

Anyone wishing to start a business must be prepared to face major difficulties and sweat it out in the heat of competition to gain a foothold in the market. Further, prior to making any fat investment, it is vital to perform apposite research into market and competition to test the viability of the business and its long term prospects. Deciding on the core business proposition is a tricky task too as any decision involves its own set of risks and potentials and it becomes important to tally the risks versus potentials before starting out. Numerous business schools and institutes that teach aspiring individuals the rules of the game; however a unique concept of learning the tricks of the trade is made available with IndustryPlayer 6.40 as per which the player can virtually set up a business empire.

IndustryPlayer opens with a vivid looking interface with the chief options placed at the bottom and the main screen offering a display of industry verticals and on the bottom right corner, specific strategies and elements are placed for user reference pertaining to a successful business plan. This unique game gives a premise of a business plan as per which the user takes the role of an entrepreneur building industrial companies in up to 16 real industry verticals. The level one provides a seed capital amount of 10 million dollars and the virtual consultants available facilitate intelligent decision making in terms of investments. Moreover, the user can have own accounting system and industry analysis tools and charts with varied statistics and ratios. This game can be a useful practice session for budding businessmen as it provides real time experience in market dynamics and other business related concepts.

To sum up, IndustryPlayer 6.40 comes across as an efficient tool which provides an outline for real time aspiring businessmen.

{More Info and Download}

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