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iSudoku 2.3.2

Tilgore Kraut - July 29, 2010

Today you would hardly find anyone with an interest in mind games, who is not aware of the popular Sudoku game consisting of the premise of number placement in a 9” to 9” grid with digits placed facilitating each of 3 by 3 grids composed contain the all digits from 1 to 9. The said puzzle was first popularized in the year of 1986 by the Japanese company called ‘Nikoli’ with the name of Sudoku and gained international stardom in the year 2005 with its uniqueness. Number games and puzzles have always been very popular with people with a mathematical streak and who like challenging games. iSudoku 2.3.2 is one such gaming application that provides innovative steaks of math based puzzles and can be quite addictive.

iSudoku 2.3.2 upon launch opens with a vivid looking interface and chief options placed at the top panel. The main screen displays the colorful Sudoku grid which the user has to resolve. This addictive game is immensely constructive to exercise the brain or simply for leisure, this game offers a fresh approach and adds fun. The software also proves to be a great tutor for enabling mastering of this unique game and the hint system that enables learning various Sudoku techniques easily and also helps in creating and solving numerous puzzles in five distinctive difficulty levels. Multiple undo and redo features are also available and four different text formats are made available for opening and saving besides offering the facility to design a personalized puzzle game. With all the aforementioned powerful features and tools this gaming utility offers multiple challenges and techniques to master this game.

To conclude, iSudoku 2.3.2 comes across as an enhanced puzzle game that keep you glued to the screen for hours.

{More Info and Download}

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