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Netoptima 1.9.20

Tilgore Kraut - July 30, 2010

Since computer systems are widely used in every industry vertical nowadays owing to its maximum flexibility and precise performance. While browsing the computer for any routine searches, unwanted images can pop up which can be both distracting and embarrassing for anyone. Further, since the internet is economically available for domestic usage, such unsolicited content can be easily accessed by kids who are computer literate and know how to avoid getting caught by deleting the history. Parents have turned to software based solutions for blocking pornographic and other harmful content with their varied expertise and Netoptima 1.9.20 performs the said blocking functions effectively by blocking its entrance into the network.

Netoptima upon launch opens with a bright looking interface with vivid hues and main options arranged in bright red tabs on the top panel. Since there are no permanent solutions available to block porn content on your network the application works effectively to block it before it enters the network and system. The software is easy to install and administer and is the perfect utility for internet users and a single installation can work for the entire network; thus ruling out the inconvenience of installing it on each system separately. The software’s precision rate is 99.9 % accurate and it carefully blocks porn and manages domain filters too, and further contains P2P blocking and statistical filtering. The application logs all domains visited by users by time, IP addresses and URL and imports it to Excel. Since pornography flows through P2P networks, the software blocks it from entering into your network making it completely safe and secure.

To sum up, Netoptima 1.9.20 comes across as an immensely practical utility with varied expertise to block the porno content that is so persistently polluting young minds.

{More Info and Download}

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