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Mousai Player

Tilgore Kraut - September 17, 2010

Since the advent of computer systems and internet facility, every process pertaining to professional or personal requirement has been digitized and modernized for saving time and human effort and making them convenient and user friendly. Number of computer aided tools and devices have originated that make life easier and more fun for us and combines varied technology to present audio and video files with eLan. Numbers of media players have been introduced in the web market with advanced features and tools to make the audio and video experience more fulfilling for the user and encompass a myriad of characteristics that integrates several files in its interface. Mousai Player 1.1.0 is another addition in the list and includes convenient solutions for storing media files effectively.

Mousai Player opens with a vibrant looking interface with the main options located at the bottom panel and the left pane consisting of various audio-visual tracks. The intuitively designed screen is interesting in its appeal and the video screen displaying separately makes the viewing experience more improvised. The software is capable of storing all kinds of media files like music, video, imagery and even recordings and makes the access immensely functional and aesthetic in its appearance. The logical arrangement of icons and tabs makes the navigation neat and proper and proves to be a great utility for viewing the recorded audio-visual clips that have been downloaded or recorded from the web. The media player comes with a straightforward menu of multiple commands with a useful bar placed for information with great utility value and is also compatible with numerous media formats.

To sum up, Mousai Player 1.1.0 certainly shows promise in its usage and adaptability to the current interests of computer savvy audiences and hence scores a rating of five points for its sheer utility value and impressive performance.

{More info and Download}

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