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Rank Tracker 4.16

O. James Samson - October 5, 2010

For all those whose major concern is how to know how their sites rank in major search engines; this could just be something worth checking out. Rank Tracker is an SEO tool that has ability to check major search engines for all your keywords all at once. It also has features to help you track the progress of your search engine ranking over a period of time. Though not built in the mould of other programs in the same category, it is nevertheless a program worth trying out.

Rank Tracker 4.16 is a shareware, and cost $67.00 per download. Users who want to download and install this program need to have Java Runtime Environment 1.4 installed on their systems.

In this version, users can find the following features: lots of regional and local search engines; Yandex XML queries now supported for both faster and safer data mining; show CAPTCHAs when required by Google AdWords Keyword Tool when checking search volume even through a scheduler; and all Yandex regions added to regional Yandex search.

Rank Tracker also has a free version that can also be downloaded at the publisher’s site. That in my opinion is not worth relying on because it lacks a lot of basic features provided in the main version.

Want to check it out? Visit Link-Assistant

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