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RAMDisk 3.5.130 RC14

O. James Samson - November 17, 2010

RAMDisk 3.5.130 RC14 an application that is designed for those who have a disk I/O bound application that is small enough to fit in main memory. This program is also good for storing data that are frequently accessed; including temperature files, and database index. The program is kernel-level driver that presents a standard disk to the operating system. RAMDisk stores and retrieves data from the system RAM on your computer otherboard rather than actual physical disk. Users can also set various options with the Kernel Driver which comes with the GUI.

With this program, you can also do the following: your internet page load page; control what files and programs are stored into the memory (loaded at boot time); create temporary disks for added security; reduce compile times; accelerate databases; and speed up disk-to-disk activities such as video encryption and audio ripping.

RAMDisk is very useful for application developers, especially when they want to check how fast their programs can be and possibly if your disk access has suddenly become a major headache. The program is a shareware, and users can download or purchase it at $9.99 per one. However, for up to 4GB disk size, users can have it for free; and pay $9.99 if they want something higher.

Want to check it out? Visit Dataram.

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One Response to “RAMDisk 3.5.130 RC14”

  1. YR. KIM Says:

    It’s very nice program

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