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Active SMART 2.9 Beta

O. James Samson - November 25, 2010

The primary function of Active SMART is to monitor the S.M.A.R.T parameters of your hard disk in order to detect fault conditions. The application is built with a feature that enables it use special algorithms to predict the date of a possible drive fail. Among other features include; availability of various monitoring modes and alerting options, messaging features that allow for system administrators to be informed of any impending hard disk failure on any machine within the computer network.

Other key features of Active SMART include the following: S.M.A.R.T disk technology support; alerts about hard drive health status changes; flexible settings; set critical disk temperature control to prevent disk overheating; various alert options about disk failure; hard drive performance, health, temperature and free space indicator; and many more.

The importance of a program like this can be better appreciated when you consider how hard disk errors occur unexpectedly. This may cost a lot of uncontrollable damages to your computer system; and may require some heavy spending from you. Active SMART is just one of those smart decisions one takes in other to avoid any unexpected system breakdown or error.

It is really good to see this program develop over the years; it has really improved and one can only hope that the publishers continue to improve upon existing features as they release newer versions. Active SMART is a shareware program.

Want to check it out? Visit Ariolic.

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