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Evalaze 0.9

O. James Samson - November 25, 2010

Evalaze is published with the intention of making life a lot easier for information technology managers. Installation is very easy; and as a matter of fact, a user can easily run the program without the need to install them, and to make Windows 7 migration easier. Evalaze is easy to use, and can be downloaded and for private use only; it however, requires the .NET Framework 2.0+ to function.

Some of the latest changes made to this version include: compatibility with Windows 7; compatible with programs that use WinSxS-Technology; fixing of issue that relates to false reports of various scanners; support of virtual services; and others. Evalaze is fully packaged in a single, self contained EXE file which can be used instantly. However, when the final EXE file exceeds a size of 10 MB, a DAT file automatically created as primary data container. That allows a user to use different applications without installation on the host computer.

The usage of virtualized software does not create entries in the registry in the registry and none DLL files are compiled on the host computer. The program allows you to save your data and documents in a sandbox, which can be placed in the same location like the EXE.

Users who want to use Evalaze can run it locally on the client or even run portable hardware like the USB devices.

Want to check it out? Visit Evalaze.

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