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Visipics – Duplicate file finder

Ciaran Moore - February 28, 2011

Storing image files on your computer can fast become disorderly and cluttered.

If you’ve only got just a few pictures—maybe several web images, perhaps some digital photos—it’s simple to keep a record of all of them. Though in the event you go beyond a particular point, everything just about spins out of control. Which means that more likely than not,you’ve got duplicates of images. And also considering the size of digital photo files nowadays, even a few extra copies could take up a lot more additional space on your hard drive or memory card.Wouldn’t it be nice if you could run through all that stuff once in a while and get rid of the extras?

VisiPics is a tool that can help you do just that. Although it can do a straight file comparison looking for matching files and checksums, it’s smart enough to take a look at your images in several different ways to see just how similar non-identical images are. Meaning that two versions of the same photo—maybe one cropped a certain way and the other not—are most likely going to show up as duplicates. You may then decide if you choose to keep both of them or not. And in order to make it easy, all suspected duplicates are displayed side-by-side so that you can make the final call.

Check it out at

This entry was posted on Monday, February 28th, 2011 at 2:31 am and is filed under Main. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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2 Responses to “Visipics – Duplicate file finder”

  1. wildoc@duplicatefilesfinder Says:

    Rightly said, I am a pro photographer and I have found it very difficult to organise my photos properly. I was looking for a software to help me sort and remove duplicate files from my storage and I found one such software on the net. Called duplicate file cleaner, it is a neat software and was able to show me a list of duplicate photos and the list was quite exhaustive. Found it very useful in organising my photos.

  2. Tony Says:


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