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Text Workbench

Tilgore Kraut - March 14, 2011

Working on various documents and files makes it difficult for us users to frequently keep a track of any particular changes being made to them; especially when there are too many files to work with and there are instances when minor are required on each of them. Manually performing all this is an extremely tedious process which consumes time as well as energy that can be used for other productive purposes. There can be situations wherein minor changes such as company name or address over a letterhead or a process name is changed over a statement, that can pose a problem when the documents are sent for a print. Making changes to several documents quickly and simultaneously is now simple with Text Workbench which facilitates easy search and replace over the documents.

Text Workbench opens with a neatly designed interface with the chief options placed at the top and the main screen shows different options for the user to search for files and folders and make it easier for the user to browse through replacing the text from any documents easily. The program will assist in quickly performing any necessary editing functions on several documents and save up many hours of manual editing and modifications. This unified solution is perfect for web masters and software developers and also includes office managers and work quickly and easily. There are several kinds of content editing capabilities which also include search filters and search scenarios with highlighting and folder sector which makes it further simple for the user to perform editing.

To conclude, Text Workbench definitely works as a suitable and neat facility with ample options available for the user to work through.

{More Info and Download}

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