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PowerGREP 4.2.1

O. James Samson - March 29, 2011

PowerGREP is a powerful grep tool that can be used by anyone to quickly search for a piece of information through files and folders on a computer. These may include the following; software source code, letters and correspondence, server or system logs, reference texts, historic archives, and many more. PowerGREP allows you carry out your search even if you do not have knowledge of what precisely you are looking for. When you are faced with a situation where you simply did not know in advance, PowerGREP’s ‘rich Perl-compatible regular expression support’ allows you search for virtually anything. All you need is to specify what you want in any form, and let it find the actual text matching that form; it is that simple.

This new version of PowerGREP comes with a lot of changes and additions that include the following: the rich text is no longer placed on the clipboard for selections larger than 1Mb; layout configuration now lists printer fonts as soon as it is activated from the print preview and “allow bitmapped fonts” is turned on; and a few others.

However, the price may be a bit of a problem for users; the features and benefits notwithstanding. At $159.00, a lot of users may have a problem downloading it for the first time.

Want to check it out? Visit Powergrep.

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One Response to “PowerGREP 4.2.1”

  1. Henry Says:

    Thank you so much ! It works !

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