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Ciaran Moore - March 31, 2011

As disc drives become larger and larger, they appear to fill quicker and quicker. Certainly, there is a whole lot of good stuff you intend to hold on to, but it really is too easy to allow things to get out of control. Next thing you realize that TB hard-drive you bought is 95% filled a bit like that 40 GB drive was a year before. So where did all the space go? Or maybe more correctly, what did you save on there that filled it all up?

JDiskReport is a utility you should utilize to take care of where all your disk space disappeared to. Yeah, you could possibly just run directory listings and sort by size or date and stuff like that, only with JDiskReport it’s simple to look at the bigger picture. It lets you identify what you’ve got on there, and shows it to you in easy to grasp charts and graphs, in addition to textually. At times that pie chart or a bar graph can make sense where a big screen packed with numbers just won’t do. You are able to examine things not only by size, but additionally by size distribution—the number of files you have that are 4- and 16 MB as opposed to between 16- and 64 MB, as an example. Or look at modified date—what number of older files do you have in comparison with how many more recent files? It also breaks them down by file type, so you can establish you have more Word DOC files (all those crucial reports) than you do MP3 files.

JDiskReport is a Java application, so you can utilize it on any computer with an appropriate Java runtime installed. That means it will run on a Linux system, your Mac, or a Windows PC.

Check it out at JGoodies.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 31st, 2011 at 2:17 pm and is filed under Files and Folders. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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